Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Flylady BabyStep Day 17

Done Done

OK, this one is a hard one for me, sometimes I would like to stay with dh to watch some tv when the boys are in bed which is usual after 10PM . What time do you guys go to sleep?




Morning Routine
[x] Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing my hair and face
[x] Bed
[x] DTxt
[x] Feed the dog (*assigned to 10 yo)
[x] Empty dishwasher from last night
[x] Make & Pack DS1 & DS2 lunch
[x] Breakfast
[x] Vitamins
[x] Washed breakfast dishes
[x] 2 minutes hot spot CLUTTER ATTRACTS CLUTTER!
[] 5 minutes room rescue - yeah the garage "You can't organize clutter; you can only get rid of it!" - FlyLady
[x] Homeschooling the DS3
[x] Lunch
[x] Washed lunch dishes
PWM un-finish
[x] BS
[x] KM
[x] Zone 1: Mission #2 Wenesday The Front Porch, Entrance Area & Dining Room

Afternoon Routine
[x] Pick up DS1 and DS2 from school
[] Declutter 15 minutes garage "You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady
[x] Snacks
[x] Feed the dog (*assigned to DS2)
[x] Help DSs with homework
[x] Dinner
[x] Clean table
[x] Swept floor
[] Swiffer Jet
[x] Take trash to garbage can
[x] Check WMB
[x] WM

Bedtime Routine
[x] 2 minutes hot spot
[x] Kitchen counters are clean
[x] Sink is clean
[x] Have kids clothes ready for tomorrow
[x] Lay out my clothes for tomorrow
[x] PFS
[x] FSB ready for tomorrow

Bottle of Water
[x] 1
[] 2
[] 3

Zone 1
[] Clean Corner cobwebs
[+] Clean main entry inside door
[+] Clean coat closet door
[+] Wipe baseboard
[+] Clean &
disinfected powder room door both sides
[] Straighten the coat closet
[+] Tidy shoes
[] Shake doormats
[+] Sweep floor
[+] Swiffer jet floor

Dining Room
[] Clean Corner cobwebs
[] Clean windows
[+] Clean windowsills
[+] Dust china cabinet
[] Clean doors of china cabinet (straighten dishes if need it)
[] Clean and straighten drawers
[] Polish table
[] Dust the bottoms of the chairs
[+] Wipe baseboards
[] Move furniture and vacuum/sweep underneath
[] Swiffer jet

Front Porch
[x] Sweep down cobweb and spider webs
[x] Dust garage door (the outside)
[x] Sweep off porch furniture and walls
[x] Sweep driveway

Pending: While de-cluttering the garage I found some things that I didn't want to through so I took 3 medium boxes to my room that needs to be sorted and organize.
[+] Box 1
[+] Box 2
[] Box 3

[x] = Done
* Kids' babystesps
[+] done the day(s) before


  1. hi! I found your blog tonight while looking for other brand new Flybabies to add to the blog list on my new Flying blog.

    I go to bed when I feel like it. But I also have an internal alarm clock that gets me up about 7am-ish (it changes over the seasons), regardless of what time I get to bed. If I had trouble getting up, I might change it.

  2. Thank you for stopping by, please feel free to add me up to your list.
    I wish I had an internal clock, sometimes I can't hear the alarm :-(
